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#Tech help OBS Toolset Causing Crashes in OBS
So when I'm streaming on Twitch (where I currently do my SFW streams) I've found that the Lovense tools installed by the OBBS toolset are causing the OBS to crash any time I try to open or close various Twitch Docks. This is very frustrating, cause i do not want to have to have more than one OBS software to start streaming NSFW on Given all the work put in to the one I have already with themes, overlays, and such with this one.

Anyone able to help me out here?
5 replies
Level 21
12 months ago
could you send me the crash log, you could add me with Skype ( I will send you pm), and which computer do you use Mac or Windows?
replied to Roger:
12 months ago
I don't have skype, I use Discord.
replied to Roger:
12 months ago
Tried downloading and opening skype and can't even figure out how to get it it to move from profile info to a spot I could even start a message let alone Add someone.

I Messaged you my Discord handle. If you could please find me there it would be a lot easier.
replied to Roger:
12 months ago
okay figured it out and messaged you.
Level 4
11 months ago
Honestly the thing I had to do was back up all my scenes and profiles, write down all the links to the plugins/extensions I use, uninstall obs and delete everything, and then reinstall obs, import my profiles and scenes, reinstall all my plugins/extensions EXCEPT for lovense, and then go configure all my twitch settings so that they work correctly and I don't need to touch anything for it to work, and THEN reinstalling the lovense OBS extension and that seems to work. But honestly it might be better to just have two separate copies of OBS on your computer to avoid having to do that whole mess every time you want to change something on twitch :/ you are not alone in dealing with this issue