Please allow us to set a specific amount of tokens for a specific animation like it used to, right now you can only have presets... I want to be able to set an animation from 100 toks + i don t need things on my screen for less then 100toks...
I've stopped using it since the locked amount update. It's just too rigid and too low focused for it to be fun for me anymore. I'd love for it to go back to the way it was before ❤️
replied to Samantha Sterling:
11 months ago
Yes exactly , it was a dumb decision to lock them, i hate to see things on my screen for 1 token or 5 or 15 ... i want them from 100+ , so sad cuz lately they have added some really nice animations that would go well with 500-1000 toks tips but a "genius" person from the team sayd "Let s fuck the animation up by locking the ammount with something we don t even know about how it really works"