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#Help/Advice Lovense camming suite feedback
Hello hello!
I want to ask a little favour to our lovely community, hope you can help me with it!
We are collecting testimonials about Lovense products, Lovense software and Stream Master. If you are an active user (and I think most of you are!) Please share your testimonials in this thread and we will feature you!
Thanks in advance!
4 replies
Level 7
11 months ago
Other than having a Lush 3 short out while inside of me, having to replace a Dolce (Quake) twice due to malfunctions and the StreamMaster program updates leaving me with errors and not being able to open it up....things have been great!
Wish there were a way to have multiple overlays for the different sites that I simulcast on but...
BTW, wth is THIS error?
Stream Master cannot read and write to its data directory:
Or this one?
ehicffoebfhnlngafaamofcpdencgkla is blocked
Love the concept of the browser but the last few updates have left me unable to use it.
Moderator replied to MissTulsa:
11 months ago
Clear the cache and restart the browser. Make sure it updates. The "ehicffoebfhnlngafaamofcpdencgkla" error is the Lovense plug-in not loading properly.
replied to Lorum:
11 months ago
Already done Sir, several times. Now it won't run unless I start it from either the Desktop icon, or Start menu, and do it in Administrator mode.
I have deleted the entire thing from my machine and reloaded it, three times, as well with the same outcome.
I should have been more specific earlier. I wish it were possible to have different overlays, ie: toy menu, for the different sites.
Also, Fansly has become VERY popular. I prefer it to OnlyFans; less security issues and credit card fraud. Adding it to the site menu would be grand. The Stream Server there is rtmps://
Thank you for responding. 🙂
Moderator replied to MissTulsa:
11 months ago
Just to be download the new version of Chrome (it's an .IMG file), double click on that. A window should pop up with a Chrome icon and an Applications folder. Drag the Chrome icon to the Applications folder. You'll then need to go to the Applications folder and double click on Chrome to start up the browser. You can't run it from that "drive" that shows up on the desktop after double clicking the .IMG file....which sounds like what you're doing.

For the least with OBS I don't think you can do site specific (at least that I know of). Some 3rd party streaming apps might.

Yep, Fansly has gained in popularity!