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#Help/Advice New Chaturbate verification
Hi All,
I've been getting some rather dodgy looking emails from what seems to be a fake Chaturbate support address [email protected].

I am also being asked to by Chaturbate to reverify my identity which then goes to another website by Jumio, here is the statement on Chaturbate:
Note: Your identification photos will be processed by Jumio Corporation, a third-party identity verification company. By continuing, you consent to Jumio Corporation collecting and disclosing your biometric data pursuant to its Privacy Policy.

Also please see the attached pic
Is anyone else seeing this? done this? or having any problems with it?
2 replies
1 year ago
If you go to the Chaturbate site and login and get the message, I would take it as legitimate. Jumio is an online mobile payments and identity verification company that provides card and ID scanning and validation products for mobile and web transactions, which they sell as "Netverify Trusted Identity as a Service". I got the same message the other day.
1 year ago
I have just received an apology from Chaturbate Tech Support because emails with the domain of are genuine.
These are automated emails used for their verification programme.

Earlier they had said to report them for being phishing emails.
Thanks Chaturbate Support :-)