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#New member Hello new model!
I'm lacy, I'm 36 and a plus sized model. I'm just starting out on this journey and I'm looking for tips and tricks on how to gain followers and how to promote myself. Thanks for all your help in advance!
4 replies
Level 30
1 year ago
Hello Lacy, welcome to the community and your new journey in life. First just relax and try not to overthink things. Just be yourself and never do anything you do not feel comfortable with. Be patient as gaining followers take time. Make sure you have a nice profile completed this way your followers will be able to learn some basic information about you. Engage your follower with general conversation. Some thoughts are if you are using a laptop or mobile phone, then take your viewers with you as you do daily stuff like preparing a meal in the kitchen or relaxing bath or shower time. Also, if you have a certain room you like broadcasting from make sure it is set up nicely. Stay positive and never take any bad comments personal. Always thank you followers when they say nice things. Anyway, tis is just a high-level overview. The bottom line just have fun and do what makes you feel happy.
1 year ago
welcome to cam101 x

There is a lot of info available in the Getting Started and Skills section.

There is also a good walkthrough of one of the sites, you might find this a good read:

The Discord server is also a good place to ask any questions that you may have:

This is the link to the Beginner Guides that can be found in the Getting Started section under More For You.
Level 44
1 year ago
Always use the #BBW this helps people to find you that are into plussize, feabie is a good place to promote.
1 year ago
Welcome to Cam101, lacybendover!