I definitely always have music in the background. Something I learned from running a talk show years ago: No Dead Air! You want to keep that ambiance going as you pause between talking because as talkative as I am, I always have moments I am quiet but the vibes are always felt due to lighting and music (according to my fans). Some have told me that they come for my looks but want to get to know me more because of the music or overall vibe I have going on at the moment.
Sometimes I choose a movie that seems interesting not audio-wise; people do listen and will ask "what are you watching, seems interesting!" and that can strike up a convo or more during slow periods. I enjoy stand-up comedy a lot so I also cycle between my favorites if I don't feel like having music on at the moment and that also can make for great convo. I use Apple Music these days but if you don't use streaming apps, try YouTube. They have hour(s) long videos of playlists and more. xo
Spotify killed off their API to allows streaming within a lot of sites and apps. If you play music in the background, technically that is a broadcast and would require permission from the rights holder. So play at your own risk!